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Tag: snuggles

Harder with the Gentleness

Kinky scribble time! This is the fastest I have drafted, edited, and released a story in years. I spent nearly as long on the graphics as I did on the story! It feels like a big relief, since I was beginning to wonder if I’d lost the ability to write anything under 3000 words. But today I was inspired by a sweet message from my partner pseudo_size and decided I would write the story and release it before I start to second-guess myself.

kinky scribble is a flash fiction exercise I developed to help me level up as a writer, to create stories and let them go. I envy artists who can scribble a sketch and share it unfinished into the wild for people to enjoy. This is my answer to that for writers. Feel free to join in yourself, and share with #KinkyScribble so others can find it.



The photo I used in the banner is by Harsh Gupta on Unsplash.


Support the author

Money is tight right now. I have multiple works of fiction in progress, ranging from wholesome to kinky as fuck. I’d like to continue releasing them here for free.

If you enjoy this story and want to see/hear more like it, the best way to do that is to support me financially. The few donations I get usually go right into commissioning art and paying beta readers. (The second best way is to boost the signal on my stories and encourage your friends to support me, too.) Thanks, y’all!


Story synopsis

A tiny woman takes a nap between her lover’s thighs and savors everything she finds there.


Story content

Tagging is the only way I know for people online to be able to opt in or out of a sexual experience with fully informed consent. I welcome help in tagging—please let me know when I have missed anything important.

Tags for this story include:

Content tags: M/f – tiny woman, handheld sizes, snuggles, body exploration, testicle play, cock play, precum, begging, mutual masterbation, semen, aftercare


Read the story

TEXT VERSION: Read the text version of the story behind the cut.

AUDIO VERSION: I might record audio for this story. If I get enough requests, I will move it up on my priority list.