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Tag: kinky scribbles

September Size Scribbles 2024

Announcing the second annual September Kinky Scribbles writing challenge!

Last year I decided to run an informal size kink writing challenge for myself and anyone in the community interested in participating. It was a blast! Together, twelve participants worked for a cumulative 24.5 hours to write 15 different stories, growing our total collective output to a massive 28,487 words. Read last year’s stories here!

The strategy of a Kinky Scribble is to produce creative content in a short amount of time, give it minimal edits, and then release it into the wild for others to enjoy.

Think of a Kinky Scribble as the writing equivalent of a quick pencil sketch. You could turn it into an oil painting with a lot of time and effort, or you can have fun sketching it, sharing it, and then move onto your next project.

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The goal of the challenge is to write one or more stories within the month of September, using the Kinky Scribble format:

  • must be at least 500 words long, no max limit
  • can be flash fiction, a vignette, or prose poetry
  • can be NSFW or SFW
  • write it quickly
  • give it minimal edits
  • add content tags, esp. the most important Top 16 Tags
  • share it with the world within 24 hours
  • (optional) email me the link to your story to include in my Oct 1 blog post*

You can focus on writing one, two, ten, or try for as many as you can make before September 30! There’s no story limit and no upper wordcount limit.

Share your story wherever you usually post your work, and if possible include the hashtag #SeptKinkyScribble.

Common places size kink writers publish are their own websites, DeviantArt, Tumblr, Cohost, Giantess World, Giantess City, Coiled Fist, Daddy’s Dollhouse, Archive of Our Own (AO3), Literotica,, Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing, Smashwords, in a long Twitter/Mastodon/BlueSky thread, or, as a last resort, a Google Doc with open viewing permissions and a link shared to social media. Remember that private forums like Giantess City and Daddy’s Dollhouse aren’t fully public. Be careful to check a platform’s terms of service about X-rated content and how they might legally or illegally take user’s work to train generative AI software.

At the end of the challenge, my plan is to make a blog post and a list of links to stories for people who participated. Email me the link to your story if you want to be included. Let’s see how much we can create in the next month!

*Important: this is not a contest and I have some hard limits due to past trauma, so I will not be reading all the stories. In my blog post celebrating our work at the end of the month, I will only include links to public stories, and stories that offer content tags. For accessibility and consent, if your stories include themes from the Top 16 Content Tags and you do not tag them, I will not share those until you add tags at the start of the story. I reserve the right to not feature a story for any reason.


What can I write about?

Stories can be SFW or NSFW. It can have lots of sex or no sex, comfy cuddles or dark themes, or something you find erotic or adorable or both or neither. You can write a simple vignette—a brief scene without a full plot—but if you have a plot arc in mind, then by all means go ahead!

I recommend finding an idea that excites you mentally, emotionally, or physically. It’s easier to launch into a scribble that makes you curious. What’s your personal favorite theme in size kink erotica? What’s a moment you love in a movie that you wish had size difference? What’s the fantasy you wish you saw more often? Can you feature that fantasy in two different ways in two different scribbles?

Sometimes I start with a small speck of a concept (a first kiss with a tiny, or how cold weather would affect size interactions) and it stays simple. Sometimes a more complex story reveals itself as I write (whoops, it’s an orgy now!) and I end up in a mad frenzy trying to keep the story to a reasonable length (if she’s so tiny, why is her story 4100 words).

You won’t have time or space to tackle complex topics in-depth, so it can help to focus on a single powerful moment. Instead of trying to write an entire wedding, try writing the scene where the vows are interrupted by someone outgrowing the building. Instead of offering the full worldbuilding download of how your growth serum / shrinking potion works and all its limitations, just show us that it works and that it has a limitation, and your readers will fill in the rest. What is the most intense and impactful moment of the larger story? Zoom in on that.

It can feel thrilling to try and write something quickly, especially when you give yourself permission to let it be messy and imperfect. That’s one reason I often like to share the length of time I spent writing and editing, because nobody reasonable would expect a masterpiece when it’s written in fifteen minutes or two hours. (And if they do, then they are not my audience.) You do not need to explain how long it took you, unless that is a positive strategy for you, too.


A Success Story: Glamorous Debt

A cool success story: last year, @BijouL33 took part by writing the scribble “Glamourous Debt,” which came to a fantastic 2354 words in 1.5 hours. She messaged me to make sure I saw her tweet and to share the wonderful news:

The wonderful size writing challenge you curated last year has yielded more fantastic and creative size work! A couple found the piece that I wrote for that challenge and liked it so much they wanted to record an audio version of the story (complete with sound design and everything!) I think it’s such a wonderful thing and I’m forever grateful that your challenge encouraged me to get out of my writing funk with a low stakes, welcoming atmosphere ❤️

Check out the 15-minute performance with sound design and voice acting here on the AudiosGoneWild subreddit. They asked Lee’s permission first, of course. I love how they tagged the story, and they even included a voice-only version for those with audio-processing issues and misophonia, like me! If you don’t have access to Reddit, you can listen to the main audio performance directly here, and the voice-only file here.

One of my hopes for this challenge is to see more creative sizey work in the world, so I am thrilled that this happened! It feels like such a wonderful example of what can happen when we share our creativity.

You never know who out there will be inspired by your ideas!


My Goals for This Year

My own personal goals: Last year I aimed for three Kinky Scribbles because I knew it would be a stretch. This year has been a bit rough and my September is going to be very full, so I am granting myself some grace.

My personal goal for this challenge is to write and publish at least one Kinky Scribble. My stretch goal will be to try writing a fanfiction for a sexy queer romance I read lately. But if I can’t make that happen, at least one scribble of any topic will be a win for me, personally.


My Tips for Kinky Scribbles

These are the tips I will personally offer for this particular challenge. Since we’re doing these quickly and aiming for a messy scribble, there are strategies that can help us do that.

Much of this comes from other peoples’ wisdom I’ve absorbed over the years, though I can’t recall sources. A lot of this comes from my own self-talk while writing!

  • try ideas that excite you, not what you think you “should” write
  • focus on a single powerful moment
  • don’t explain worldbuilding, just show it happening
  • less plot, more vignette
  • zoom in on sensory details
  • ask your inner editor to cut you some slack, just for now
  • lean into curiosity
  • playfulness, instead of perfection
  • let it be messy, like an artist’s sketch
  • all it needs to do is exist
  • afraid it won’t be good enough? stay afraid but do it anyway
  • remember you’ll be in good (& imperfect) company!

Carrie Fisher’s full quote:

“Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What’s important is the action. You don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow.”

(Took me a hot minute to track down where Fisher originally said this. It was in an interview with the Sarasota Herald-Tribune on April 21, 2013. She was asked “What advice do you give people who are struggling with mental illness and are afraid to pursue their dreams?” So. Like. Me. She was talking about me. And maybe you? And maybe anyone who’s worried about not being good enough, which seems like most people for most of human history.)


Other Tips on Flash Fiction, Vignettes, and More

Strictly speaking, I am defining a Kinky Scribble as a specific kind of low-stakes, quickly-written flash fiction, vignette, or prose poem. It can be whatever you want or need it to be.

Flash fiction” is technically its own subgenre of 1000 words or less, with a complete plot and a surprise at the end. A vignette usually explores a strong emotion or memory and does not have a specific length, plot, or have any need for a surprise at the end. A prose poem is even more loosely defined as a poem without standard line breaks, which looks like prose but reads like a poem.

There are plenty of tips on flash fiction from a variety of sources. You do NOT need to explore these resources or follow their rules. Plenty of people have different definitions of flash fiction and different goals for the quality of their stories. Some kinds of flash fiction are called micro-fiction, sudden fiction, postcard fiction, and short short story.

I’m offering other peoples’ definitions and tips because someone asked for them, but keep in mind, this particular Kinky Scribble challenge is meant to help people lower the stakes and have fun.

Some ideas from the interwebs to go more in-depth:

    • Flash Fiction 101 – an excellent short article from MasterClass in 2022 that offers tips like using strong imagery, sticking to one moment and focusing on just one or two characters.
    • 5 Tips on Writing a Vignette – another great article from MasterClass that offers tips like “don’t conform” to a traditional plot structure, use visual language, appeal to the senses, zoom in for a microscopic view, and “go big, then edit.”
    • Flash Fiction Online – a free online magazine specializing in high quality flash fiction stories – see their 2015 article “Thirteen Tips for Writing Flash Fiction” for their submission tips and, I kid you not, a fantasy story in their August 2024 issue called “In the Path of the Giantess” by Sarah Jackson (CW threat of village destruction)
    • SmokeLong Quarterly – another free online magazine specializing in high quality flash fiction stories – their annual competition “The Grand Micro Contest” aka “The Mikey” does not in fact have anything to do with “micros” as the size community defines them, but if you enjoy flash fiction it’s something to explore
    • Manawaker Studio’s Flash Fiction Podcast – a weekly podcast with mostly SFF short stories under 10 minutes each, with no descriptions or content warnings.

Why take this challenge?

My goal with this challenge is to help bring more sizey writing into the world, and to help myself build confidence and earn a little dopamine to remind me how much fun writing can be.

For myself, I want to pick my momentum back up and start sharing things again. I feel like the happy brain chemicals of this can help fuel me in my longer projects where I want to give the work more polish, but often run out of steam.

The first year I launched this challenge, I had been thinking about this tweet from sex writer Kate Sloan, author of 101 Kinky Things Even You Can Do:

Most of my long work that I am deeply, enduringly proud of began as kinky scribbles. When the time comes to share, I sometimes realize that the potential I saw in the story feels too delicious to pass by for a little dopamine. Sometimes I feel frustrated with myself, but I try and let go of my narrative that “I’m failing at Kinky Scribbles” and focus on the fact I discovered a project that really speaks to me. I don’t regret transforming those into longer pieces and devoting more time to them. It’s okay to change your goals for a project once you can see the shape of it more clearly!

I’m also proud of the stories I kept as kinky scribbles, proud of creating them and releasing them, and especially proud of being playful and leaning into my love of writing.

In short, I’m trying to lean into the Andy Warhol philosophy:

“Don’t think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.”


Compassion & calibrating expectations

Last year, this event was harder than I thought it would be, because reasons, and after 23 days feeling completely frozen, I seriously considered bowing out of my own community writing challenge. Controversial opinion here—it would have been okay if I had.

Sometimes these things move in cycles. Sometimes creativity stays out of reach for a long time, and that’s especially true for writing erotica with that added dimension of sexuality. If you’ve never heard of the Dual Control Model of sexuality (I have a short thread on it here) I’d also suggest there’s a similar model for creativity.

Sometimes no matter how much we want to be creative, there’s a lot of stuff weighing down our minds and bodies, and we have to take care of those things—and ourselves—before we’re able to explore and go the speed we’d prefer.

My partner pseudo_size and I have talked at length about our different writing styles, and last year she pointed out that the increased time pressure of a Kinky Scribble can actually raise stakes that won’t work for everyone.

For me, the deadline helps me overcome my desire for perfection because the ridiculous time frame forces me to give up my desire to make it The Best Story I Can Write™. I put up with high stakes in timing so that I can benefit from the low stakes of quality.

On the other hand, a lot of people might need a completely different structure. Writing something with a long (or nonexistent) deadline allows for flexibility that’s super important to folks with mental or physical health issues, people caring for kids or older family members, or those with demanding jobs or other responsibilities.

Flexibility like this, low stakes in timing, is something that was vital for pseudo as they wrote and edited their phenomenal erotic novel, Eve’s Boutique, now available for sale in multiple eBook formats and being released a chapter at a time on their blog!

I’ve needed that kind of flexibility and grace for a lot of projects, too, like my lesbian love story Dare You Not to Grow, which came to 14,000 words in six chapters and took me 11 months. In situations where you care a lot about the outcome, it’s okay to go slow. Low stakes in timing made it possible for pseudo and I to put high stakes into quality.

Sometimes you want to take your time with art to makes something you are deeply, enduringly proud of. Sometimes you want a fun mad dash to some dopamine. Different creative projects require different tools. Use whatever feels best for you and your story!

If you can join us for this challenge, I am thrilled to have you. If you need to re-calibrate and decide this challenge isn’t for you right now, that’s okay too. Trust me, I’ve been there. I’m proud of us all for trying, and for everything we create!


Share the challenge with your followers

Here’s some text to copy/paste into a social media post, if it feels good to announce your participation. (It’s also totally okay to announce it after you’ve participated—whatever works best for you and your motivation.)

I’m taking the #SeptKinkyScribble Challenge! Share sizey stories of 500+ words w/ the #KinkyScribble format: write it quickly, give it minimal edits, add tags, and share it with the world within 24 hrs. In Oct @mightytinygiant will feature participants on her blog. Wish me luck!


To quote the outro of the Writing Excuses podcast: okay, you’re out of excuses, now go write!

Enjoy this content? Buy Elle a coffee to show your support!



Congrats on September Kinky Scribbles

Congratulations to all the participants of my September Kinky Scribbles Challenge! I’m so proud of all the writers in our community who gave this event a try. The goal of the event was to help people write and release stories quickly to help build confidence and have fun seeing what we could create.

Together, twelve participants worked for a cumulative 24.5 hours to write 15 different stories, growing our total collective output to a massive 28,487 words!



Please join me in celebrating and supporting these writers by reading their work and sharing it to your friends! If you’re able, please consider following them on social media and sending a tip or subscribing to their Patreons.

In alphabetical order by author:

Don’t see your story listed here? Check that you followed my parameters, like including content tags and posting it someplace public where I could find the hashtag. You can message me on social media or email me if you think I missed it.

Reminder: this is not a contest and I have some hard limits due to past trauma, so I will not be reading all the stories. I will only include links to public stories, and stories that offer content tags. For accessibility and consent, if your stories include themes from the Top 15 Content Tags and you do not tag them, I will not share those until you add tags at the start of the story. I reserve the right to not feature a story for any reason.


Some compassion & calibrating expectations

I know there are folks out there who may have wanted to start or finish a story and were not able to, because of life or health or the need to rest, or simply not knowing what or how to write the kind of stories you want to see. I am sending you so much love. There have been so many days when I can’t write, either. This event was harder than I thought it would be, because reasons, and I seriously considered bowing out. Controversial opinion hereit would have been okay if I had.

Sometimes these things move in cycles. Sometimes creativity stays out of reach for a long time, and that’s especially true for writing erotica with that added dimension of sexuality. If you’ve never heard of the Dual Control Model of sexuality (I have a short thread on it here) I’d also suggest there’s a similar model for creativity. Sometimes no matter how much we want to be creative, there’s a lot of stuff weighing down our minds and bodies, and we have to take care of those thingsand ourselvesbefore we’re able to explore and go the speed we’d prefer.

pseudo_size and I were talking yesterday about the differences between writing a novel or long story, and writing something like a Kinky Scribble. She pointed out that a scribble actually raises stakes by demanding you write a scene or whole story in 24 hours. Which is true! Some people might find the time frame raises the stakes in a way that doesn’t work for their brain or current situation.

For me, the deadline helps me overcome my desire for perfection because the ridiculous time frame forces me to give up my desire to make it The Best Story I Can Write. I put up with high stakes in timing so that I can benefit from the low stakes of quality.

On the other hand, writing something with a long (or nonexistent) deadline allows for flexibility that’s super important to folks with mental or physical health issues, people caring for kids or older family members, or those with demanding jobs or other responsibilities. There is tremendous freedom in being able to say “Welp, I wrote four words today, but that’s four words that I didn’t have yesterday. If I have more energy/mental clarity/time/quiet tomorrow, I can try again.” Flexibility like this, low stakes in timing, is something that has been vital for pseudo as they write and edit their erotic novel, Eve’s Boutique. 

I know I relied on it too, for my longer projects like Dare You Not to Grow, which came to 14,000 words in six chapters. I wrote the first draft in March of 2022, gave myself eight months to edit the story and seek a beta read, published the first chapter in November of 2022, then promptly took a mental health hiatus that meant the final chapter didn’t see the light of day until February 2023. That’s eleven months. Nearly a year of flexibility, grace, and self-compassion for a single story, because I cared a lot about it and wanted it to be as high quality as I could make it. In these situations, low stakes in timing made it possible for pseudo and I to put high stakes into quality.

In reality, most creative endeavors are probably going to be a balance of these factors. I don’t want people to think I’m advocating for all stories to always be written this way.

Sometimes you want a NaNoWriMo mad dash to the finish line, just to have words on a page you can edit later. Sometimes you want to take a year or more to craft a story with care, making art you are deeply, enduringly proud of. Sometimes you just want to write a story and take your time, but not too much time, and have a balance of time and quality. Different creative projects require different tools. Use whatever feels best for you and your story!

One of my favorite moments this month was when someone told me that this Kinky Scribble Challenge helped them improve as a writer because they participated. I feel the same way. Thank you all for joining me on this wild ride. I’m so proud of us all! Wonderful work, everyone!

Swiping Right on a Witch

I managed to meet my goal of writing three stories for my September Kinky Scribble Challenge!

This scribble took two hours to write over the course of four writing sprints with my partner pseudo_size. Thank you so much for all your support this month, pseudo! I appreciate you more than words can say.

I gave it one round of edits tonight. I suspect it could use more, but that’s not the point of a scribble, so I’m letting it go. That in itself is a damn victory!

kinky scribble is a flash fiction exercise I developed to help me level up as a writer, to create stories and let them go. I envy artists who can scribble a sketch and share it unfinished into the wild for people to enjoy. This is my answer to that for writers. Feel free to join in yourself, and share with #KinkyScribble so others can find it. If you want to take the September challenge, use #SeptKinkyScribble.



The photo I used in the banner is by Raymond Perez on Unsplash.

Support the author

Money is tight right now. I have multiple works of fiction in progress, ranging from wholesome to kinky as fuck. I’d like to continue releasing them here for free.

If you enjoy this story and want to see/hear more like it, the best way to do that is to support me financially. The few donations I get usually go right into commissioning art and paying beta readers. (The second best way is to boost the signal on my stories and encourage your friends to support me, too.) Thanks, y’all!


Story synopsis

You get more than you bargain for on a date with a witch who makes a truly magical hard cider.


Story content

Tagging is the only way I know for people online to be able to opt in or out of a sexual experience with fully informed consent. I welcome help in tagging—please let me know when I have missed anything important.

Tags for this story include:

Content tags: F/x – shrinking, gender neutral POV character, alcohol, potion, dubcon, noncon, mind control, objectification, worship, insertion


Read the story

TEXT VERSION: Read the text version of the story behind the cut.

AUDIO VERSION: I might record audio for this story. If I get enough requests, I will move it up on my priority list.


Two Sizeshifters in the Rain

Here it is, my first entry in my own September Kinky Scribble Challenge. Only, um… twenty-three days into the month. Skip to the story content section if you want to jump right in.

This scribble took two hours of writing, and received one round of edits. I had to keep this one light-hearted, and while I do consider it erotic, it is not nearly as graphic as most of my stories. Many thanks to my partner pseudo_size for body-doubling with me through several writing sprints to help me get words on the page!

kinky scribble is a flash fiction exercise I developed to help me level up as a writer, to create stories and let them go. I envy artists who can scribble a sketch and share it unfinished into the wild for people to enjoy. This is my answer to that for writers. Feel free to join in yourself, and share with #KinkyScribble so others can find it. If you want to take the September challenge, use #SeptKinkyScribble.


You launched a challenge & then disappeared. Why?

Yeah, sorry about that, folks. I’ve been asking myself that same question for the last twenty-three days. The short answer is that I’ve been needing some extra care for my mental health. The long answer involves bullet points. (Again, no judgement if you want to skip to the story content section because you’re just here for the big lady tiddies.)

Writing is an experiment. What happens if I use these words in this way? You try it, and no matter what happens, you have some more data than you did before. Data about other peoples’ responses and data about how you responded to that feedback. Will you repeat the experiment exactly or change some variables?

I’ve tried a lot of experiments over the years:

  • What happens if I write in a fancy journal? A cheap one? Do I write better on my laptop with fancy software like Scrivener, or with my thumbs on my phone in a Google Doc? (I learn that, at least for myself, I prefer cheap journals and Google Docs.)
  • What happens if I compete in NaNoWriMo? (I learn that I can technically write 1667 words a day for 30 days. I don’t like to read anything I write, but it still built my confidence to learn I can write those words!)
  • What happens if I try writing random kinky thoughts on Tumblr? (I learn that I am not alone in these kinky thoughts, and I want to write a lot more of them.)
  • What happens if I try writing erotica for SizeRiot contests? (I learn that I get really excited, I have a lot of fun, and even sort of enjoy the last-minute panic with the thrill of the deadline. I get good feedback and discover I want to write a lot of erotica. Like. A lot of erotica.)
  • What happens if I spend years trying to write a single perfect novel and then give up? What if I do this multiple times? (It’s been hard to look at the data on this one. My therapist is helping me process it.)
  • What happens if I decide to practice writing short stories with low stakes? How many of these can I write? (I learn that I can produce a lot of fun and interesting stories this way and start calling them kinky scribbles! It feels like hacking my brain and it’s a big relief and confidence boost.)
  • What happens if I invite others to do that, too? What if I make a big community event? (I learn that this raises the stakes. I learn that my brain does not yet have the skills to handle staying creative with high stakes in this way. I learn, for the millionth time, how helpful it is to have a sex-positive therapist.)

When I launched the challenge, it seemed like a great idea. I’d been writing and posting more often, and it felt like the right time to push myself. I didn’t feel up to hosting a writing contest, but this level of community leadership seemed like it was within my wheelhouse. I genuinely thought it would be a breeze and was caught off guard when it brought up a lot of difficult things for me.

The good news is that my therapist is amazing and it turns out EMDR also works on issues like this. (Or, at least, it works on issues like this in my weird-ass neurodivergent brain. YMMV.)

Y’all know I talk a big game about the artist being more important than the art, and how vitally important it is for creatives to take care of ourselves and our health. Especially when capitalism has trained us to believe we need to provide constant, unrelenting top-quality output without complaint or breaks. No matter how much I know we need rest and can’t expect perfection, my body sometimes has a hard time believing that and trusting it. If you’ve felt this way, too, you’re not alone.

Mental health is messy. So is writing. I’m taking in the data and trying to be open to what it’s telling me, with less judgment and more curiosity. I’m making slow headway, I’m giving myself time to rest, and I’m trying to be okay with the idea of setting aside my goal if necessary.

I’m still hoping to write and publish two more scribbles with the help of the looming Sept 30th deadline. What size kinkster doesn’t love some looming?



The photo I used in the banner is by Klara Kulikova on Unsplash.


Support the author

Money is tight right now. I have multiple works of fiction in progress, ranging from wholesome to kinky as fuck. I’d like to continue releasing them here for free.

If you enjoy this story and want to see/hear more like it, the best way to do that is to support me financially. The few donations I get usually go right into commissioning art and paying beta readers. (The second best way is to boost the signal on my stories and encourage your friends to support me, too.) Thanks, y’all!


Story synopsis

Two sizeshifters are caught in the rain. It’s too public to use their powers much, right?


Story content

Tagging is the only way I know for people online to be able to opt in or out of a sexual experience with fully informed consent. I welcome help in tagging—please let me know when I have missed anything important.

Tags for this story include:

Content tags: M/f, F/m – growth, flirting, public nudity, gentle


Read the story

TEXT VERSION: Read the text version of the story behind the cut.

AUDIO VERSION: I might record audio for this story. If I get enough requests, I will move it up on my priority list.


September Kinky Scribbles

I’ve decided to run an informal size kink writing challenge for myself and anyone in the community interested in participating! The goal is to write one or more stories of at least 500 words each within the month of September, using the Kinky Scribble flash fiction format:

  • write the story quickly
  • give it minimal edits
  • add content tags
  • share it with the world within 24 hours
  • (optional) email me the link to your story to include in my Oct 1 blog post*

Think of a Kinky Scribble as the writing equivalent of a quick pencil sketch. You could turn it into an oil painting with a lot of time and effort, or you can have fun sketching it, sharing it, and then move onto your next project.


Personally, I’ve decided to aim for three Kinky Scribbles, because I’ll have to stretch outside my comfort zone to make it happen. You can focus on writing one, two, ten, or try for as many as you can make before September 30! There’s no story limit and no upper wordcount limit.

Share your story wherever you usually post your work, and if possible include the hashtag #SeptKinkyScribble. Common places size kink writers publish are their own websites, DeviantArt, Tumblr, Cohost, Giantess World, Giantess City, Coiled Fist, Daddy’s Dollhouse, Archive of Our Own (AO3), Literotica,, Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing, Smashwords, in a long Twitter/Mastodon/BlueSky thread, or, as a last resort, a Google Doc with open viewing permissions and a link shared to social media. Remember that private forums like Giantess City and Daddy’s Dollhouse aren’t fully public. Be careful to check a platform’s terms of service about X-rated content and how they might legally or illegally take user’s work to train generative AI software.

At the end of the challenge, my plan is to make a blog post and a list of links to stories for people who participated. Email me the link to your story if you want to be included. Let’s see how much we can create in the next month!

*Important: this is not a contest and I have some hard limits due to past trauma, so I will not be reading all the stories. In my blog post celebrating our work at the end of the month, I will only include links to public stories, and stories that offer content tags. For accessibility and consent, if your stories include themes from the Top 15 Content Tags and you do not tag them, I will not share those until you add tags at the start of the story. I reserve the right to not feature a story for any reason.


What can I write about?

Stories can be SFW or NSFW. It can have lots of sex or no sex, comfy cuddles or dark themes, or something you find erotic or adorable or both or neither. You can write a simple vignette—a brief scene without a full plot—but if you have a plot arc in mind, then by all means go ahead!

I recommend finding an idea that excites you mentally, emotionally, or physically. It’s easier to launch into a scribble that makes you curious. What’s your personal favorite theme in size kink erotica? What’s a moment you love in a movie that you wish had size difference? What’s the fantasy you wish you saw more often? Can you feature that fantasy in two different ways in two different scribbles?

Sometimes I start with a small speck of a concept (a first kiss with a tiny, or how cold weather would affect size interactions) and it stays simple. Sometimes a more complex story reveals itself as I write (whoops, it’s an orgy now!) and I end up in a mad frenzy trying to keep the story to a reasonable length (if she’s so tiny, why is her story 4100 words).

It can feel thrilling to try and write something quickly, especially when you give yourself permission to let it be messy and imperfect. That’s one reason I often like to share the length of time I spent writing and editing, because nobody reasonable would expect a masterpiece when it’s written in fifteen minutes (or two hours). And if they do, then they are not my audience.

Why take this challenge?

My goal with this challenge is to help myself build confidence and earn a little dopamine to remind me how much fun writing can be.

I want to pick my momentum back up and start sharing things again. I feel like the happy brain chemicals of this can help fuel me in my longer projects where I want to give the work more polish, but often run out of steam.

All summer I’ve been thinking about this tweet from sex writer Kate Sloan, author of 101 Kinky Things Even You Can Do:

Most of my long work that I am deeply, enduringly proud of began as kinky scribbles. When the time comes to share, I sometimes realize that the potential I saw in the story feels too delicious to pass by for a little dopamine. Sometimes I feel frustrated with myself, but I try and let go of my narrative that “I’m failing at Kinky Scribbles” and focus on the fact I discovered a project that really speaks to me. I don’t regret transforming those into longer pieces and devoting more time to them. It’s okay to change your goals for a project once you can see the shape of it more clearly!

I’m also proud of the stories I kept as kinky scribbles, proud of creating them and releasing them, and especially proud of being playful and leaning into my love of writing.

In short, I’m trying to lean into the Andy Warhol philosophy:

“Don’t think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.”


Tweet the challenge to your followers




Edit: Congrats to participants!

Now the challenge has ended, please read the stories and support writers here! Thanks everyone for participating!

Harder with the Gentleness

Kinky scribble time! This is the fastest I have drafted, edited, and released a story in years. I spent nearly as long on the graphics as I did on the story! It feels like a big relief, since I was beginning to wonder if I’d lost the ability to write anything under 3000 words. But today I was inspired by a sweet message from my partner pseudo_size and decided I would write the story and release it before I start to second-guess myself.

kinky scribble is a flash fiction exercise I developed to help me level up as a writer, to create stories and let them go. I envy artists who can scribble a sketch and share it unfinished into the wild for people to enjoy. This is my answer to that for writers. Feel free to join in yourself, and share with #KinkyScribble so others can find it.



The photo I used in the banner is by Harsh Gupta on Unsplash.


Support the author

Money is tight right now. I have multiple works of fiction in progress, ranging from wholesome to kinky as fuck. I’d like to continue releasing them here for free.

If you enjoy this story and want to see/hear more like it, the best way to do that is to support me financially. The few donations I get usually go right into commissioning art and paying beta readers. (The second best way is to boost the signal on my stories and encourage your friends to support me, too.) Thanks, y’all!


Story synopsis

A tiny woman takes a nap between her lover’s thighs and savors everything she finds there.


Story content

Tagging is the only way I know for people online to be able to opt in or out of a sexual experience with fully informed consent. I welcome help in tagging—please let me know when I have missed anything important.

Tags for this story include:

Content tags: M/f – tiny woman, handheld sizes, snuggles, body exploration, testicle play, cock play, precum, begging, mutual masterbation, semen, aftercare


Read the story

TEXT VERSION: Read the text version of the story behind the cut.

AUDIO VERSION: I might record audio for this story. If I get enough requests, I will move it up on my priority list.


New Erotic Audio for Little Clara: BSDM in his pocket in public


I have a surprise for you, my lovelies. If any of you were in the audience at SizeCon in November of 2021, you may remember me getting a little hot and heavy during the live readings of erotica. You may also remember that, as the last story to go, I had to cut the reading short because we ran out of time. I am pleased to share that I recorded my portion of the reading, and took a break from panels to finish reading my story “Little Clara” for you.

Big gratitude to my partner pseudo_size for editing the audio! And many thanks to Praedatorius for organizing the event, corralling writers and voice actors, and introducing many in the size kink community to the joys of sexy audio.

Please enjoy ~

Little Clara: BSDM in his pocket in public [Extreme Size Difference] [Male Giant] [Shrunken Woman] [Narrative] [Public] [BDSM] [Ownership] [Objectification] [Entrapment] [Smothering] [Fear] [Feels] [L-bomb] [Bukkake] [16mins]

Clara wakes up nude in her boyfriend’s pocket at work. But she wants to go someplace much, much warmer.






You may notice I’m sharing tags a little differently now. This is because I’ve begin exploring the world of r/GoneWildAudio, where people submit naughty recordings of themselves. Their tagging system is beautiful and robust! They use some terminology differently, so I’ll try to still use what I know to be common on SizeTwitter as well.

I appreciate NjordOfTheTides introducing me to the platform. I’m excited to have connected with some of the size kink audiophiles, and look forward to creating more written and audio content!

Kinky Scribble: Big & Snuggly

Introducing Big & Snuggly, a 1080-word kinky scribble collaboration between myself and pseudoclever, featuring some romance and polyamorous dynamics between a Giant woman and her partner.

Collaborating on a kinky scribble

Because this was inspired by role play between pseudo and myself, I handled it a little differently than my previous kinky scribbles. (See below for more about how my scribbles usually work.) I checked in with him before writing and also made space for him to beta read, so he could review and update the actions and words I had written for him.

Why the extra steps? Beyond maintaining trust with my partner, a common part of online roleplay etiquette is that you don’t write the other person’s actions or dialogue for them. This is important no matter how little agency they might have in the scene itself, because outside the scene they are still a full human being. Everyone involved with any scene should be able to opt in or out with fully informed consent at any point. To quote Hardy and Eastman in The Bottoming Book, “We believe that you can play more, with more people, more safely, and go further out on the edge, if you start from the position of two equals negotiating something they both want to do.”

It became a fun collaborative piece and I’m grateful to be able to share this playful moment.

The featured image was adapted from a photo by Ginevra Austine on Unsplash.

How kinky scribbles work

A Kinky Scribble is a flash-fiction writing exercise idea I’ve been developing since January 2020, as a tool to break past my anxieties as a writer. Read my past Kinky Scribbles and learn more on my page, The Kinky Scribble Challenge

The strategy is to produce creative content in a short amount of time, give it minimal edits, and then release it into the wild for others to enjoy. My goals are to practice my fiction-writing skills, to produce more content while still reconnecting with the parts of writing I enjoy most, and to re-calibrate my sense of when something is “done enough” to share.

If you want to participate, I strongly encourage all #KinkyScribble creators to tag their content so that readers can opt in or out with fully informed consent. I’m not perfect about this, but practice has been helping, and I’m committed to doing better in the future. I always welcome help in tagging—please let me know if I have missed anything important.


Kinky Scribble: Big & Snuggly

(Content includes: F/m, growth, nudity, flirting, some romance, polyamory/ethical nonmonogamy, and mild claustrophobia)

1087 words; 1 hour and 15 minutes of writing time with two rounds of edits at about 30 minutes each, with an estimated 20-30 minutes for the beta read; 2 hours, 45 minutes total.


Kinky Scribble: Little Clara

Welcome to my eighth Kinky Scribble, a 2500-word shrunken woman story inspired by @GTSMarsh‘s response to this tweet. Thanks for the writing prompt, Marsh!

I also want to thank @pseudo_size for suggesting the title for this story. “Little Clara” was a great snapshot of what came through in the narrative. Thank you for seeing that and reflecting it back to me.

A Kinky Scribble is a flash-fiction writing exercise idea I’ve been developing since January 2020, as a tool to break past my anxieties as a writer. Read my past Kinky Scribbles and search the #KinkyScribble tag itself on Twitter. 

The strategy is to produce creative content in a short amount of time, give it minimal edits, and then release it into the wild for others to enjoy. My goals are to practice my fiction-writing skills, to produce more content while still reconnecting with the parts of writing I enjoy most, and to re-calibrate my sense of when something is “done enough” to share.

This strategy won’t be for everyone, but it’s helping me to keep writing in a low-stakes way, and sharing stories with others. Otherwise I tend to hang onto my content for a very long time trying to perfect it, and it never sees the light of day. That’s not helpful to me, to my writing, or to my community. Better to share something imperfect, than nothing at all. I’m trying to lean into the Andy Warhol philosophy:

“Don’t think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.”

Feel free to join in and create your own kinky scribble! Don’t feel obliged to follow my same format of listing my word count and writing/editing times. It’s really useful to me to re-calibrate my time estimates, and to prove to myself that I can make good content in uncomfortably short time frames.

And speaking of comfort zones, I strongly encourage all #KinkyScribble creators to tag their content so that readers can opt in or out with fully informed consent. I’m not perfect about this, but practice has been helping, and I’m committed to doing better in the future.


Kinky Scribble: Little Clara

(Content includes: M/f, BDSM, 24/7 Owner/property relationship, public play, smothering, objectification, full-body bukkake, entrapment)

2550 words; roughly 50 minutes writing time, plus over an hour for two rounds of edits & additional writing

Audio version: Free 15-minute author-read audio available here.

Kinky Scribble: Wash Your Tinies

Kinky Scribble installment six! If you’re here for the sexy times, skip to the “read more.” Otherwise, continue below for my update on other writers taking the challenge, and to read my own writerly pep-talk.


Scribble me some kink

A Kinky Scribble is a flash-fiction writing exercise idea I’ve been developing since January 2020, as a tool to break past my anxieties as a writer. Read my past Kinky Scribbles and search the #KinkyScribble tag itself on Twitter. The strategy is to produce creative content in a short amount of time, give it minimal edits, and then release it into the wild for others to enjoy. My goals are to practice my fiction-writing skills, to produce more content while still reconnecting with the parts of writing I enjoy most, and to re-calibrate my sense of when something is “done enough” to share.

I’ve been thrilled to see other creatives joining in! Remember, this isn’t just limited to writingmy original idea was inspired by watching artists I respect share sketches and scribbles in addition to their more polished content. I wished so badly that I could do the same, instead of letting my longer projects collect dust on my drive, getting more and more out-of-step with my current writing style. Kinky Scribbles has been a way for me to emulate those artists, instead of just envying them. I suspect that this kind of strategy could work well for a variety of creative endeavors.

Check out these nine stories from talented writers (in alphabetical order):

Pseudoclever, who was generous enough to volunteer his time to beta-read this particular scribble, frames it like this: “#KinkyScribble is SUCH a good idea when you’re feeling stuck.” As Freepass says, a Kinky Scribble is “an inspiration to ignore your negative voices and just write!”

If you do join in, don’t feel obliged to follow my same format of listing my word count and writing/editing times. It’s really useful to me to re-calibrate my time estimates, and to prove to myself that I can make good content in times that I secretly find so short that they’re cringe-worthy. Each time I do this, I cringe a little less.

And speaking of comfort zones, I strongly encourage all #KinkyScribble creators to tag their content so that readers can opt in or out with fully informed consent. I’m not perfect about this, but practice has been helping, and I’m committed to doing better in the future.

A note about using the hashtag: you’ll find some older posts under #KinkyScribbles, before I began to realize that its drawback as a hashtag is that sometimes you want to use it in a plural way, and others in a singular way. Moving forward, I intend to stick to just singular.


Elle’s writerly pep-talk

This is the first Kinky Scribble I’ve allowed myself to write and finish since mid-February. I forgive myself for struggling. I forgive myself for being human. I’m in fact giving myself a pat on the back for listening to my body and mental health and putting writing on hold for a while as work stress began to eat my brain, and then everything dissolved into the all-consuming terror of a genuine global pandemic. We have to take care of ourselves first.

Creative expression can be part of the healing process, and a fun and healthy way to channel sexuality and process darkness. But creating for the sake of creation at the expense of limited mental and emotional resources, especially during a time of pain, struggle, and fear, seems irresponsibly ableist and capitalist to me. We are worth more than our productivity. In a kink sense, we are worth more than our ability to Dominate or submit to others, worth more than a quick jerkoff session for a stranger, or a friend, or even someone we love. We are human beings first and foremost. So that’s why I forgive myself for taking a break.

And because I’m human, and doing the work on my own mental health, I’m grateful to have these avenues of expression to help me explore my sexuality… to share and celebrate those expressions with others. There are so many reasons I’m grateful for #SizeTwitter, but that may be one of the top reasons on my list today.

And now… to the kink! This particular idea came to me after seeing this tweet from BetterCallSmall, who is running a project of his own called #SizeSongs, to help people discover new size-themed songs each week. The song featured in the tweet, and the music video that goes with it, is an old favorite of mine from the days when I checked Postsecret regularly, and it was a pleasure to rediscover it. I’m looking forward to hearing more.


Wash Your Tinies

(Content includes: F/x, Giantess, gender-neutral tiny, nudity on camera for a public YouTube video, soap, water, massage, singing, spanking, illness and pandemic discussion, gentle, romantic feelings. Second person POV, with a genderless You.)

1689 words; 50 minutes writing time; 55 mins editing time (including 45 minutes after a beta read)