Today’s the day! I’m thrilled to unveil the special artwork and final chapter in my gentle erotic love story between two sizeshifters at a coffeeshop. They decide to tease and dare each other not to grow while in public. They’re just friends, haha… unless~
In this chapter, Rae unleashes her growth abilities and Jess discovers she will shrink for kisses, as they explore the alchemy of size magic and love.
Skip to the story content section if you want to jump right in. Read previous chapters here:
- Chapter 1: Going Right For It
- Chapter 2: Inside Her Mouth
- Chapter 3: Mixing Signals
- Chapter 4: Straddling A Strawberry
- Chapter 5: Mapping Her Pleasure
- Chapter 6: Touch Yourself for Me
About This Story
This began as a Kinky Scribble, but I found myself so enamored with the characters and the way they were enamored with each other, that I allowed myself the luxury of months to write and explore. To go more in depth, you know. (Pun intended.)
I was so excited to write this story that I sought out Girl Sex 101 by Allison Moon and K.D. Diamond to better understand and write about the way women have sex. I may have been in more than one relationship with other women, but I also have an inkling of just how much I don’t know. I keep meaning to start blogging my book reviews, but if you’re interested, I kept up a twitter thread with my thoughts on the book and its value to anyone who wants to have sex with women. I found the “Embodied Yes” and “Difficult Conversation Formula” sections especially useful for this story. The pages on techniques for hand sex and oral sex with different kinds of bodies are definitely dog-eared and already well-loved in my house. It’s such a wonderful resource!
Here are some examples with diagrams for any fellow sex geeks out there. I think it’s an especially great resource for my fellow creatives out there, writers and artists alike. Can you tell I love this book?

Shout Outs
I commissioned art for this story by the lovely LadyEgg. Isn’t it gorgeous and so sweet? Please go follow her and support her on Patreon if you are able! She is lovely to work with, and has been so kind and patient with me on not releasing the art for the five months it took me to finish rewrites and edits.
I’m also thrilled to say that I was able to commission her for a new work of art to celebrate the sixth and final chapter, and she knocked it out of the park. It is sexy and romantic and I finally get to share it with you all!
In fact, seeing her complete the new artwork in December was one of the things that made me yearn to come back to this story again. Creatives helping creatives is one of my favorite parts of the Size Twitter community.
Here’s a closeup of her original art to enjoy.

Isn’t it gorgeous?? She really captured the soft light of dawn and the gentle energy I feel between the lovers. Also. I am swooning over her breasts and those lips! I am so, so happy with it!
I also commissioned a sensitivity read with Ana Valens, a reporter and member of the size kink community. She gave me feedback and additional insight on my pairing between a cisgender woman and a transgender woman. I’m pleased to report that she said it was “incredibly hot and well written,” and that she “utterly adored it.” I’m grateful for her suggested changes and nuance on experiences that hopefully made this story stronger and more true to life for trans women.
When I asked her thoughts on tags for this and for my latest article, “Content Tags: Accessibility, Edgeplay, & Surprise Sex,” she recommended I use either F/f or CF/tf in my gender tags. Though TF is also used for transformation kink, we decided that having it in the slash format would clear that up, and she pointed out that TF is commonly used at places like r/GoneWildAudio and r/GWASapphic. As of this writing, Ana is open for more sensitivity readings on: kinky relationships, lesbian relationships, trans women & trans feminine experiences, and queer friendship.
Friendly reminder: if you seek out a sensitivity reader to help you gain more perspective on your work, please pay or barter with them. Do not ask for free labor on this, even if they are your friend. Perhaps especially so!
Story content
Tagging is the only way I know for people online to be able to opt in or out of a sexual experience with fully informed consent. Learn more about why and how to use content tags, and browse tags important to the size kink community in my article “Content Tags: Accessibility, Edgeplay, & Surprise Sex.”
I welcome help in tagging—please let me know when I have missed anything important.
Tags for this story include:
F/f, CF/tf – Growth, shrinking, gentle, public play, teasing, mention of foot play, mild dissociation, so much sexual tension, a panic attack averted, pocket riding, hand held, romance, feelings, relationship, the L-word, love, licking fingers, kissing, mouth play, food play, chocolate, cake, strawberry, singing, music, handheld, body exploration, panties, cunnilingus, insertion, trans femme masturbation, full-body licks, breast play, aftercare
Tags for Chapter 6 include:
F/f, CF/tf – Growth, shrinking, gentle, public play, teasing, body exploration, panties, cunnilingus, insertion, trans femme masturbation, full-body licks, breast play, aftercare, pocket riding, hand held, romance, feelings, relationship, the L-word, love
Read the story
TEXT VERSION: Read the text version of the story behind the cut.
AUDIO VERSION: I am saving up to commission a voice actor to read this story. If you’re as excited by that as I am, please buy me a coffee to help it become a reality sooner!