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Tiny Spa Day


Hello, everyone! Where has September gone? I am pleased to release my own entry in the flash fiction September Kinky Scribbles Challenge. This month has had a lot of ups and downs, and writing this today at a coffeeshop with my visiting partner pseudo_size has been one of the best. <3

This may not be one of the most overtly sexy stories I’ve ever written, but it feels really good to explore what kinds of care, sensuality, and pleasure resonate for me right now in a size kink context. I like how this turned out and hope you’ll enjoy it too!

I worked on this for about 1 hour, 45 minutes.


I almost took the time to make a nice graphic in Canva like I usually do. But then I’d have less quality time to spend with my sweet pseudo. So I’m keeping it simple with a photo of some jasmine.

The photo I used in the banner is by Fachtu Robbi Almalik on Unsplash, shared under a Creative Commons License.


Support the author

Money is tight right now. I have multiple works of fiction in progress, ranging from wholesome to kinky as fuck. I’d like to continue releasing them here for free.

If you enjoy this story and want to see/hear more like it, the best way to do that is to support me financially. The few donations I get usually go right into commissioning art and paying beta readers. (The second best way is to boost the signal on my stories and encourage your friends to support me, too.) Thanks, y’all!


Story synopsis

Gracie is exhausted after coming home from SizeCon, and her partner Leila has a few surprises intended to help her relax. The only catch? She has to shrink.


Story content

Tagging is the only way I know for people online to be able to opt in or out of a sexual experience with fully informed consent. I welcome help in tagging—please let me know when I have missed anything important.

Tags for this story include:

Content tags: F/f – shrinking, flirting, handheld, nudity, body exploration, pubic hair, gentle, some tears, big feels, romance, and a teensy bit of sex


Read the story

TEXT VERSION: Read the text version of the story behind the cut.

AUDIO VERSION: I might record audio for this story. If I get enough requests, I will move it up on my priority list.


Tiny Spa Day

1124 words

By Elle Largesse

Copyright 2024, all rights reserved. Do not reproduce my work or use it in any way without my permission.




Gracie loved sex, and assumed kinky sizeplay would be the best part about being “out of the dollhouse closet” with a partner for the first time. And true, sex with her human lover Leila was incredibly hot, surprising, and oh-so-creative. But it wasn’t until she came home from SizeCon, dragging exhaustion like a second overstuffed suitcase, that she discovered her secret favorite perk.

“I don’t know why I keep crying,” she said, the bowl of chilaquiles blurring before her. Leila knew that Breakfast for Dinner was a surefire pick-me-up and had even made her favorite salsa. “I swear I had a good weekend! It was amazing.” She trailed off, taking another bite and savoring the spicy tang of fresh tomatillos. “This is amazing.” She burst into tears but didn’t stop eating. Or shrinking.

“Babe, it’s con-drop. You’re coming down off 72 hours of nonstop happy brain chemicals.” Leila took the electric kettle and refilled Gracie’s mug of tea. She smiled down at her as she pushed the warm ceramic between her hands. There was already half a foot of height difference between them.

“You’re amazing,” Gracie mumbled. “Wish you could’ve been there. Though so many cuties would’ve thrown themselves at your feet.”

Leila’s face went blank and her fists curled into the fabric of her dress, then smoothed it flat before it could wrinkle. She reached for Gracie’s plate but Gracie gave a small, undignified sound of protest that caused her to shrink three whole inches. She used one more corn tortilla to mop up the last of the black beans and salsa, then gave a grateful, watery nod. Leila swept the plate and cup into the sink and started in on the dishes with far more energy than she usually would.

“Don’t want any cuties,” she said after the silence stretched far enough for even exhausted Gracie to notice. “Just want you.”

Gracie went to her immediately. This was such a good height for hugging while standing, letting her face be at a level for nuzzling Leila’s cleavage.

“I want you too,” she said. “I just meant, I wish I could’ve shown you off to everyone there. I’m proud that you’re my partner. Thank you for this welcome-home dinner, it was a thoughtful surprise.”

Leila’s face softened. “You don’t need to hold your size anymore, babe. In fact, I have another surprise for you… but it will only work if you let go completely. Do you trust me?”

Gracie raised an eyebrow, then took Leila’s hands and opened them, palm-up. “Do I trust you?” She gave a tired laugh. She put her own hands on the outer edges of Leila’s palms, gave a squeeze, and then released all her size all at once.

It was a strange sensation to hold tightly to Leila while relaxing her own internal grip on human size. Inches fled from her, diminishing so rapidly that it seemed as if her comfy travel clothes were ballooning up around her in a huge poof before gravity dragged them down. The collar of her shirt slid down her back like some kind of parachute cut loose, falling away in the blink of an eye.

Gravity tugged on Leila’s cupped hands, too, as Gracie shed her size and shoved up with her feet at the last possible moment. The effect was like leaping into her lover’s hands, and by the time her knees landed on Leila’s skin, she was already half the size of a Barbie doll.

Leila stared down at her, her pretty lips parted in shock. “Where the hell did you learn that trick?”

“I saw a friend try it during the Kinky In Person Play workshop.” Gracie shimmied her knees together into a pose of supplication, grinning up at her lover.

The larger woman’s “O” shifted into a smirk. “I think I might need to hear a little more about this. But first, do you want to see my surprise?”

“Yes, please!”

Leila carried her into the dim light of the bedroom, which she now saw was lit with candles. Leila moved her gently into one palm, freeing up one hand to help herself into bed and pull up the hem of her skirt. She shifted a little, peering down at herself and fiddling with something. “No peeking!”

Gracie sheepishly pulled back from the edge of her hand and tried to be patient. The wait proved worth every ounce of effort.

Leila lowered her down between her raised knees, where Gracie discovered several surprises at once:

Her girlfriend had been wearing exactly zero panties this entire time.

Her girlfriend had clearly shampooed, conditioned, brushed, and styled her lovely bush of pubic hair into beautiful thick, black waves that shone in the candlelight.

Her girlfriend had also threaded tiny white jasmine flowers around the edges.

The aroma of her own body with the perfume of the flowers rolled up to Gracie’s perch, which lowered obligingly like Titania’s bower in a stage rendition of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Gracie had never felt so much like a fairy herself as she leaned on Leila’s fingertip to step down into the inviting softness.

“You did all this for me?”

Leila’s face was further away, but the love suffusing her features would have been clear even across the room.

“It’s… you’ve said before it’s your favorite place on my body.”

“You remembered?” Gracie stretched out in the luxurious softness as if it were tall grass and she were a nymph reclining along the body of her elemental goddess.

“I… I just wanted you to have a good homecoming after seeing all those other sizey people… Want to be a good partner…”

It was Leila’s turn to tear up.

“Oh, sweetheart,” Gracie said. She reached up for Leila’s enormous hand, which was resting along the sloping wall of her thigh. “You don’t have to prove anything to me, you’re a wonderful partner!”

“Even if I wasn’t brave enough to go to SizeCon this time?” A tear fell and she wiped it away with her free hand. “Sorry, this wasn’t the tiny spa experience I was intending it to be. I’m supposed to be the one comforting you.”

Gracie pulled a fingertip towards her and kissed it. “I hope one day I can show you off to all my friends. But it’s okay if it’s not the event for you. I love you as you are, Leila. You love me as I am. This is the kindest, sexiest thing anyone has ever done for me.”

Gracie hugged Leila’s hand and stretched out again in the gorgeous scent of her lover’s fairy bower.

Fingertips touched sensitive places. The earth moved for them both, as if by magic. Letting go and trusting each other had never felt easier.


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Published inEroticaKinky ScribbleShort FictionWriting

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