“The characters were rich and they exploded off the page. There was so much emotion in every line, I could feel the writer’s heart pounding behind it.”
I’m proud to share “Currents,” my entry for the WritersOct18 SizeRiot Erotica Contest, hosted by the hardworking and talented Aborigen-gts.
I’ve never received such overwhelmingly positive feedback for a story, and I’m deeply grateful to my beta readers and everyone who read my work and reviewed it. There seems to be genuine interest in more stories with these characters, so I plan to continue it as a series!
Would you be surprised to know that I nearly didn’t submit it? It’s been a hard few months (work stress, the Kavanaugh hearings, my family’s home flooding in Texas) and I didn’t feel it was my best work. I worried it wasn’t explicitly sexy enough, especially when folks who have followed my blog in the last couple of years know I’m capable of so much more.
I’m glad I took the risk and shared it, anyway. In the interest of cataloging evidence for the next time my Impostor Syndrome tries to talk me out of being creative…
My story placed in the following categories:
Best Fulfilled the ‘Big Couples’ Theme – Tied for First Place
Hooked Immediately – Tied for First Place
Characters to Care About – Tied for First Place
Engaging Writing Style – Second Place
Surprising Interpretation of Theme – Tied for Second Place
Recommended to Outsiders – Tied for Second Place
Most Outré – Tied for Third Place
Yvonne is hoping her giant boyfriend will rescue her from rising flood waters that have her trapped on the roof of his wife’s cabin. (Relationship status: complicated.) But what if someone sees him? What if he can’t grow big enough to reach her? What if their passions overtake them and they find themselves growing together? What will his tiny wife witness from his shirt pocket?
Read the story here:
By Elle Largesse
Copyright 2018, all rights reserved.
Submission for SizeRiot’s Writer’s October 2018 Erotica Contest
Content warnings: Themes include macrophilia/growth, Giant couples, public sex, ethical nonmonogamy, and natural disaster
AUDIO VERSION: Listen to a 14-minute author-read version of the story here.
I’m really glad you’ve decided to expand this into a series, Elle, because there’s clearly more going on here than can be covered in 2k words. I don’t know what I’m more eager to learn more about, Eric revealing his abilities to Yvonne or Eric & Sara inviting Yvonne into their relationship. Yvonne should also tell us more about Eric’s giant crotch.
Size-shifting is often portrayed as being physically traumatic, but you’ve foregrounded the emotional trauma that is attendant upon the growth of your giants. Anxiety and anguish don’t appear to be strictly necessary to Eric’s and Yvonne’s growth, but they seem common side effects. Yvonne’s choice between the security of Eric’s pocket and, um, rising to the occasion is really bittersweet. I think I need to see Giant!Yvonne and Tiny!Sara have some one-on-one time, to re-establish the relationship.
The audio recording was a special treat. So much is packed into a single pause.
There’s a lot of room in this world you’ve conjured, but exploring just these three would be fascinating. There’s a lot to discover about poly/size relationships, and I’m eager to learn.
So good to hear from you, Olo! Thank you for taking the time to read, listen to, and review my short story. You’ve got me eager to begin writing the next installment.
I’ve been developing this particular world since 2016 with a different set of characters and plotline. Worldbuilding has always been a fun mental activity for me to puzzle over in my spare moments, and in this and other projects I’ve taken on in my other life, the excess of planning allows me to enjoy the “iceburg technique” without too much trouble. It does mean there’s far too much going on for 2,000 words.
“Size-shifting is often portrayed as being physically traumatic, but you’ve foregrounded the emotional trauma that is attendant upon the growth of your giants.” To me, this is almost always the most interesting part about a Giant/tiny story. Because of my size dysmorphia, I’m always dealing with “size feels” that make it easy to empathize with the internal motivations and emotional experiences of Giant or tiny people. I fantasize constantly about the physical distress and pleasures of those experiences, but I to some extent, I live with the private growth and shrinking sensations and emotions already.
I have several ideas for how to proceed, though we both know how difficult it is to choose just one path. I shall have to treat it like an experiment and see what works. I appreciate your ideas and knowing what you’re interested in. (I’m adding “more Giant crotch” to my checklist right now.)
Thanks again, and happy holidays to you!