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Month: February 2020

Kinky Scribbles: Nude on a Cloth Napkin

Kinky Scribbles installment five! This writing exercise has been so immensely helpful to me as a tool to break past my anxieties as a writer.

I make notes about how long it took me to write and edit because I’m trying to recalibrate my sense of when something is “done enough” to share.

In the past I would write a thing and leave it in my files to collect dust because I was convinced it needed some unknowable quantity of edits, a goal with constantly shifting measures of success. When I limit myself to a scribble, the path becomes so much clearer. It’s been really good practice for me, so I’m going to keep it up for the foreseeable future.

Nude on a Cloth Napkin

(F/m, Giantess, male tiny, shrinking, mouthplay, food play, adultery, noncon, nudity, humiliation, threat)

Note: the word napkin is US usage, not UK where it apparently means a diaper for a baby. Here it’s the piece of cloth you use to clean up during a meal.

465 words, 45 mins writing, 20 mins editing

Kinky Scribbles: Save Point

Thanks to @iandooley7 for making this photo available freely on @unsplash with a Creative Commons License:

Kinky Scribbles part three—another ten minutes, another sexy idea I’m sharing just for fun.

Save Point

Tags: F/M – Giantess, Giant couple, growth, teasing, dark humor, threats, penis growth, public sex, humiliation, dubcon.

(1167 words, about 40 mins of writing, 30 minutes of edits)