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Kinky Scribbles: Save Point

Thanks to @iandooley7 for making this photo available freely on @unsplash with a Creative Commons License:

Kinky Scribbles part three—another ten minutes, another sexy idea I’m sharing just for fun.

Save Point

Tags: F/M – Giantess, Giant couple, growth, teasing, dark humor, threats, penis growth, public sex, humiliation, dubcon.

(1167 words, about 40 mins of writing, 30 minutes of edits)

“This would make an excellent save point,” she said, looking down at me from her perch on top of her precious VW van. She went up on tiptoe and spread her arms. “I just want to feel this crush beneath my bare feet.”

“Then hit save, and let’s do this,” I said, grinning up at her. “I haven’t tried the new mods yet, so I’m coming with you this time.”

She put a hand on her hip and laughed. “If you can keep up, pipsqueak, sure.”

She was always so graceful when she grew. I had more experience shrinking in this VR game than she did, but the growing function had been buggy since it was unveiled. I was a little nervous that I’d get overwhelmed by the sensations and wouldn’t be able to grow my entire avatar all at once the way she did. I watched her body push outward in all directions as she threw her head back and sighed happily. Six feet tall. Eight. Twelve. Soon the van began to groan and cave in under her feet.

“Three weeks of grinding through this game to get this little beauty,” she said, a wicked smile spreading over her face. She jumped as if it were a trampoline, and the tires bounced while the metal groaned.

I was barely listening. I had practiced this in tutorials on my own and remembered some of the unpleasant outcomes of those efforts. I tried not to focus on any one part of my body.

Ten feet. Fifteen. I was outpacing her! Twenty feet tall. I stretched my arms out just to see how far I could reach. “Damn, this feels good.”

We locked eyes for a moment as she gazed up at me. She bounced again and the van crumpled like tin foil. “Why destroy something you love?” I asked.

“I’m a walking disaster,” she said with dark humor. “I destroy everything and everyone I know, anyway, so maybe I’m just trying to get this out of my system.” She cocked her head back to look up at me, then shot upwards to surpass my height. I was too focused on maintaining my control to block her hand when it shot forward to cup what was between my legs.

I’d made myself larger in game, of course. Even at standard avatar size, I was hung like an elephant. At over twenty feet tall, any other players who happened into this part of the map would be have no choice but to be impressed by the titanic bulge in my pants.

“Careful,” she said, still growing gracefully. I added more focus to my own growth, trying desperately to keep up with her. She leaned in and began stroking the top of my shaft through my clothes as she whispered in my ear. “I might ruin you, too.”

My attention wavered and I had instant regrets. It was like a worst-case scenario unfolding from my private tutorial nightmares. My cock burst out of my avatar’s pants, pulling from all the growth I’d intended for my whole body. I tried to regain my balance and proportions by pushing the rest of my body to match, but she had taken my cock in both her hands and gripped it hard.

My attention narrowed to the panic of growth in my cock and balls. She had to be over 35 feet tall now, easily overpowering me at my 20 feet, but my cock had kept pace with her size, as if ready and willing to serve.

“Rookie mistake,” she laughed. “Why’d you always make it so easy for me to make fun of you? I think you must like it.”

“What’s wrong with liking a little teasing?” I said, with a grin. “You’re a good friend, underneath it all,” I insisted.

“Mm hmm,” she said. “And you’re even sicker than I am, to get off on it.”

She grabbed a fistful of my shirt, lifted me, and threw me down on the remains of her beloved bus. I stared up at her in awe.

Her mouth lowered on my cock and the sucking sensations pulled me larger and harder yet. She pulled away with a pop, then stood up and put one foot on either side of me. “You don’t mind if I record, do you?” She asked, innocently. “For my channel.”

“As long as you do whatever I hope you’re about to do, you can film me.” I watched her little red light come on to signify she was recording, then braced myself in the wreckage of the van and hoped I looked decent. I groaned as she lifted her avatar’s skirt and lowered herself onto my thick member.

She stopped before my cock’s head had fully entered her wet folds. The tip of me pulsed against her and I grunted with the effort to lift my hips and my outlandishly heavy penis and balls to push inside her. I only managed a little movement up into her warmth, and she laughed at me. “Tease,” I called her, although I wanted to ask “please,” instead.

“Only if you keep growing with me. Just the cock, please. I want to make sure my viewers fully understand the extent of your idiocy.”

I stared up at her. That’s how it was going to be? She didn’t want to film us fucking. She wanted to film my fuck up—and make it worse.

The bitch began rocking back and forth on my cock’s head and I threw my own head back, groaning. Angry arousal throbbed through the monster standing tall between my legs.

She was going to destroy any chance I had of being taken seriously in this game. I’d have to start all over again with a totally new name and avatar. “Bitch,” I said with feeling.

She lifted up again and took a few steps back, framing her hands together as if checking the angle for a photograph. “You already look a fool,” she said. “Might as well enjoy the end, yeah?”

She grew ten feet taller as she said this. Smirking down at me and my rock-hard need.

I covered my face with my hands and pushed all the effort of growth into my cock. I felt it pushing upwards between her thighs, upwards into her cunt, the fucking bitch. I tried to lift my hips to ram myself into her, but unlike before, the weight of my cock and the enormous balls at the base were too much for my ill-proportioned body to budge. I couldn’t move even the slightest bit. I was at her mercy.

And yet, as she slid herself warm and wet down my entire full length, I couldn’t help but think it might have been worth it.

She pulled my hands away from my face effortlessly with her much larger hands. “I want to see the look in your eyes,” she said, fucking me hard enough to make her breasts sway far over my head.

“I’m hitting save again.”


Published inEroticaKinky ScribbleShort FictionWriting

One Comment

  1. Olo Olo

    My favorite of these so far, Elle. I’ve long thought mutual VR was our best hope for size fantasy simulation, but your characters are the first to make me truly impatient for it.

    The helplessness of being attached to a giant cock & balls is delicious. The public humiliation is the cherry on top.

    What’s your friend’s channel?

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